Family and relationships question:

I split from My wife 9 months ago when it was apparent she was going to let us lose the roof over our childrens heads as I was paying all the household bills on my own. She had already looked at benefits and was aware of how much she would receive when I left. She began claiming 2 weeks before I left the property. I now live in roomshare and struggle to pay £400 a month to loans and cards I took out over the last 5-6 years as my wife paid little or nothing to the rent and house bills in that time. She is now denying me access to the children outside of 9am to 6pm on Saturdays unless I pay her demands. Can I seek any free advice or help as I have little or no funds for legal advice while she takes around £2000 per month in benefits and working less than 2 days per week.

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