Licensing question:

My public entertainment, cinema, theatre and late night refreshment licence is about to expire. Do I need to renew it?

posted in Licensing | 2 responses

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Good Lawyer Guide's response

Yes, you must now apply for a new licence. But there is a new licensing regime in place and you should now apply for a premises license which covers the sale and supply of alcohol and the provision of regulated entertainment and late night refreshment. In your application, you will need to state the exact details of what you want to provide at your premises. Your local authority will give you full details of what is required in your application.

A hearing by the licensing committee will eventually take place but only when representations from all 'interested parties' or 'responsible authorities' such as the police and fire service are made. Once it is granted, a premises licence is valid until you apply for a transfer or variation to the existing licence. Note that the cost of applying for a premises licence depends on the rateable value of the property.

Jon Payne

Jon Payne's response

Since the Licensing Act 2003 came into force, most licences are permenant and do not need to be renewed. There is still an annual fee to pay, but even if you do not pay it the licence will stay in force.

Certain circumstances will still mean the end to a licence - in particular if the licence holder dies or becomes insolvent.