Children question:

My ex partner has made an application to court for a contact order regarding our two year old daughter. I have suffered years of abuse physically and emotionally from this man. He was arrested once for hitting me in front of our daughter. I also have a diary of the abuse. My daughter and I have moved to a secret address so he no longer knows where we live. He is a heavy cannabis user. I do not feel that my daughter would be safe with him. Please advise on what the courts decision might be ? Many thanks

posted in Children | 1 response

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Huma Mohyuddin

Huma Mohyuddin's response

The courts main concern will be the welfare of your child. What is in her best interest? The courts will also want to see evidence of the abuse e.g. police reports, any injunction orders, etc. The courts will also rely upon a report by a CAFCASS officer or any social worker that has previously been involved. He/She will act as an independant third party to assess your matter and give recommendations to the court. The officer will visit both you and your ex and see your daughter. It all depends upon the evidence and severity of abuse. He could be allowed supervised contact visits at a contact centre, or he may only be allowed indirect contact, i.e. letters and cards on special occasions. First things first get yourself a solicitor pronto.