Children question:

I am an international student in a university in the UK expecting to graduate in 2012. I am currently 9 weeks pregnant with a British citizen who denied paternity, refused to give support regardless, and avoided being in contact with me. I plan to apply to CSA then apply to court for declaration of parentage and re-register the father's details in the birth certificate. Do I need a solicitor to represent me when going to the court and sort things out with CSA? What are the steps to apply and obtain declaration of parentage? How much does it cost approximately to hire a solicitor to help me throughout all the processes? I believe it will make everything much easier if I have one. Therefore, I would like to start planning early in terms of time and financial burden. Please advise me on this circumstance. Thank you very much for your time and understanding.

posted in Children | 1 response

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Huma Mohyuddin

Huma Mohyuddin's response

You will need to wait until the child is born. Even if the father is not named on the birth certificate you can still apply for CSA payments against him. The CSA will then offer him the opportunity to have a paternity test done to confirm whether he is the father or not. If he refuses the paternity test then he will be considered to have accepted the child and CSA will expect him to make payments to you. This is probably the most cost effective way to deal with your matter. Once you have the paternity results you can then use the details to change the birth certificate.

Please feel free to get in touch with our office if you require further legal assistance in the matter on 0207 725 7115 or visit see the following web-links for further information:
(Saracens Solicitors are international solicitors in London. Servicing clients worldwide, building relationships and trust through understanding).
I wish you the best of luck..